The following are the highlights of the Borough Council’s January meeting held on January 22, 2025. Supporting documents on most items of Council business are available on the Borough website ( under “Agenda and Minutes”.
PROCLAMATION: Dr. Rupp read the proclamation Poverty Awareness Month and presented it to Robin Rohrbaugh, President and CEO of the York County Progress Council.
TAX LEINS AND EXONERATIONS: Approval was granted to Lancaster, Pa. – Barley Snyder has successfully represented Kunj Harrisburg LLC and its affiliated entities in a significant realty transfer tax case before the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court (Kunj Harrisburg LLC, et al. v. Com. of PA.). In a ruling issued January 10, 2025, the Court reversed a prior decision by the Pennsylvania Board of Finance and Revenue, which had upheld realty transfer tax assessments on property deeds executed in 2018.
The case centered on five deeds that memorialized the division
Summary of Borough of Hanover Council Meeting Held on January 22, 2025
Barley Snyder Secures Landmark Victory in Realty Transfer Tax Case: Commonwealth Court Rules Property Division Under Entity Transactions Law Not Subject to Tax